Monday, February 18, 2013

Position on Drone Strikes Abroad

For the last ten years, I have been a Soldier in the United States Army. Now that I'm out, I can finally have a opinion once again. I thought i would use this blog to actually have a voice on what's going on in the world. I'm blunt, my grammar isn't the greatest and I'm going to tell you how it is. I would also like everyone else to voice there opinion. I don't care if you don't agree with my opinions, I still want to hear them. That way you see the issue from all sides, which makes a all smarter in the long run. It is also what makes this country great, everyone can have There own opinion without fear of reprisal. I will be tackling a new issue every week and the first one is a good one
  What do you think of the president having the authority to order drone strikes all over the world and having the right to kill even Americans abroad?
    I don't know why the public is so outraged by this. In my opinion using drones is the way to go. What everyone has to realize is the president isn't going to just wax someone in a foreign country without having proof. If I know one thing is this president is very cautious and unlike the last president he actually has to have real proof before he does something. This way he is sending a direct message to the enemy's of the US. We will not be bullied, If you want to press the issue you will have to pay the consequences. The only reason congress is mad is, because they want to be involved in the decision. If we waited on them and the Judaical system we may have another 911 on our hands. I like this stance by Obama, I have not been a big fan of his but I hate to say it that we are on the same page on this one.
   Another issue that people are having with this is that these drone strikes can target Americana's abroad. I'm going to keep this one short because the answer is pretty self explanatory. If you don't hangout with terrorists you have nothing to worry about. People saying there should be due process are crazy.If we waited on the legal system the attack probably would of already happened not to mention the money that would be wasted. This boils down to if your caught in bed with the devil your going to have to pay the piper.
  Now I want to here from you the more the better. Also this is my first blog that i have ever done so let me know what u think!


1 comment:

  1. I'm totally on board with everything you say here. I would even agree that I'm not a big fan of the President, but I think he has the right policy on this issue.

    Another issue would be the domestic use of drones for law enforcement purposes right here on American soil. Although I don't think drones should be outlawed entirely, there should be severe restrictions on how the government/police can use them in the name of "keeping the peace."
